Friday, April 1, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In
Happy Friday! I got this idea from my friend Ashley's blog, and the survey comes from Wife of a Sailor's blog. It's a fun way to share our experiences as a military wife and just different aspects about our relationships. Here are today's questions. 

  1. What romance movie scene reminds you of your s/o or spouse and the LOVE you share? Well Ian has always been my own Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid (my FAVE Disney movie). With his dark hair, blue eyes, gorgeous smile, is it any wonder I love him? In terms of a specific scene? I would have to go with the final scene in When Harry Met Sally. Harry: " I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." - So much of this reminds me of moments from our marriage and before. Not only did Ian and I always talk at the end of the day when we were dating, but during deployments, I always slept better if I was lucky to get a call from Ian - anywhere in the day, but especially at night. And from the moment Ian proposed we knew we couldn't wait for deployment to end so that we could really start living the rest of our lives. Well, until the next deployment pauses it. Plus, I do tend to crinkle my nose, and Ian never fails to point it out ;-)
  2. If you were allowed to deploy with your husband to a war zone would you and why? IN A HEARTBEAT!! I may or may not of threatened to ship myself to Iraq last time. But the truth is, I would follow Ian to the end of the earth and back. He's my husband and I want to be with him. Period. 
  3. Have you ever done anything (intentionally, or unintentionally) to embarrass your spouse/significant other in front of his military cohorts?  YES! I knew one of Ian's coworkers was using Ian's phone, so I sent a text (with the intent of his buddy seeing it) ending in "I love you smoopie poo bear love bug" so from then on out Ian was called "smoopie" by his military cohorts. One of my proudest moments ;-)
  4. What is your most irrational fear? Irrational? I think all my biggest fears are rational. Of course #1 being something happening to Ian during deployments. #2 Me getting a terminal disease and dying before we can even raise our children (I may be a bit of a hypochondriac) #3 Lightning...I am petrified of being struck by lightning 
  5. If you could only live in one kind of climate for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?  Hmmm...tricky. I am loving the AZ sun right now, but I can't lie, sometimes I miss those rainy, lazy Sundays. So I would maybe go with a climate similar to what you would find in a wine country... lots of sun, but no stranger to rain. Oh, and I LOVE the cool, crisppness of Fall. So somewhere where Fall is stellar. 


  1. Wow, Ian really does look like Prince Eric! By the way, The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie as well!

  2. Yes, my son in law looks like Prince Eric and there were a few times I thought I should send you to Iraq. But I do love you both so very much, and I want only the best for both of you. You two have a very special love, that will stand the tests of time.

  3. I used to watch The Little Mermaid EVERY DAY!!!
