Here's the answers to this weeks questions, posed on Wife of a Sailor's blog.
1. What is one of the things you always do special when your husband returns from a deployment? I ask him what he wants his first homemade dinner to be (for both R&R and redeployment he requested Italian), make it, and then decorate the house like it's the 4th of July!
2. What do you do to help your spouse and/or yourself re-adjust after a deployment or long separation? For me, I loved every part of Ian being home but there definitely was one little thing that surprised me...I missed my "me" time I got used to having. I basically just had to give Ian a rule: If I am reading a book, please don't pester me, just let me read. It's little but that space was all I needed. I had to ask Ian how I helped him, and his response was a bit surprising. "Honestly, it was when you would yell at me." (Gee, thanks?!) He admitted he often would get in the mode of talking to me like I was one of his soldiers, and by me calling him on it he would snap back to being my husband and not a coworker.
3. Are you a crazy coupon clipper? Ha! No! Unless asking for military discount counts ;-) I wish I was a coupon diva and find this a funny question since I literally just talked about this with some other milspouses! I remember watching my grandma spend hours clipping coupons and going to several stores to get the best deal. But as for me, I ALWAYS forget to use my coupons - even if I happen to have one in my purse! I really must work on this...
4. What is your most treasured memory about you and your spouse (not counting your wedding)? I would have to say the entire two weeks of R&R during deployment. They were the most magical two weeks and felt like we were in our own special bubble. No longer alone, no longer scared, and treasuring every single second we had together. From surprising him at the gate at the airport, to sharing quiet nights in, to skiing in Colorado, and date nights on the town...every moment was so precious and sacred - especially since we knew it was short lived before the reality of deployment set back in. Many other moments could easily qualify as well...when he proposed, first said the L word (yes, I said it first), our first Halloween (special for many reasons), etc. Guess I'm lucky to have so many treasured moments!
Mmm...Blueberry beer...
5. If you could live anywhere overseas, where would you pick and why? Anywhere without quarantine for dogs! Italy is a dream of ours, as well is Germany. Greece would be divine... Somewhere where we could easily travel to other countries and cities would be key. Basically, anywhere in Europe. But if they happened to start PCS-ing soldiers to South Africa I certainly wouldn't turn down a chance to live there again :-)
I almost said R&R was my favorite memory too...it was tough to decide! And I love that we are both terrible at coupon clipping because it doesn't make me feel so bad about it!